________ Are Measures That Marketers Can Use to Watch the Performance of Their Marketing Efforts.

Main Body

Chapter 8. Services Marketing

Ray Freeman and Kelley Glazer

  • Explain the meaning of services marketing
  • Describe the differences betwixt marketing services and marketing products
  • Describe the characteristics of a marketing orientation and its benefits
  • Define primal services marketing terminology
  • Explain the Cost concept of marketing
  • Provide examples of the 8 Ps of services marketing
  • Gain knowledge of key service marketing issues and trends


Econo-Travel Hotel Marketing Ad. Long description available.
Figure viii.1 A vintage ad marketing the cost-effectiveness of Econo-Travel hotels from the July 1978 National Geographic [Long Clarification]

Marketing isa continuous, sequential process through which direction plans, researches, implements, controls, and evaluates activities designed to satisfy the customers' needs and wants, and run across the organization's objectives. According to Morrison (2010), services marketing "is a concept based on a recognition of the uniqueness of all services; it is a co-operative of marketing that specifically applies to the service industries"(p. 767).

Marketing in the tourism and hospitality industry requires an understanding of the differences betwixt marketing appurtenances and marketing services. To be successful in tourism marketing, organizations demand to empathize the unique characteristics of their tourism experiences, the motivations and behaviours of travelling consumers, and the fundamental differences betwixt marketing goods and services.

The Evolution of Marketing

Until the 1930s, the primary objective of businesses was manufacturing, with little thought given to sales or marketing. In the 1930s, a focus on sales became more important; technological advances meant that multiple companies could produce like goods, creating increased competition. Fifty-fifty equally companies began to sympathise the importance of sales, the needs and wants of the client remained a secondary consideration (Morrison, 2010).

In 1944, the offset boob tube commercial, for Bulova watches, reached four,000 sets (Davis, 2013). The decades that followed, the 1950s and 1960s, are known as an era when marketing began to truly take off, with the number of mediums expanding and TV ad spending going from 5% of total TV revenues in 1953 to 15% just one year afterward (Davis, 2013).

A colourful poster that says,
Figure viii.2 A 1970s Peter Max-designed ad for the American Cancer Order urging people to non smoke

The era from approximately 1950 to around 1970 was known as a fourth dimension of marketing orientation (Morrison, 2010). Customers had more than selection in product, this required companies to shift focus to ensure that consumers knew how their products matched specific needs. This was also the time where quality of service and customer satisfaction became role of organizational strategy. We began to see companies develop internal marketing departments, and in the 1960s, the first total-service advertising agencies began to emerge.

Societal marketing emerged in the 1970s when organizations began to recognize their place in gild and their responsibility to citizens (or at least the appearance thereof). This change is demonstrated, for example, by natural resource extraction companies supporting ecology management issues and implementing more transparent policies. This decade saw the emergence of media we are familiar with today (the first hand-held mobile phone was launched in 1973) and the turn down of traditional marketing through vehicles such as impress; the latter evidenced by the closure of LIFE Magazine in 1972 amidst complaints that TV advertizement was as well hard to compete with (Davis, 2013).

The mid-1990s ushered in the commencement of the online marketing era. E-commerce (electronic commerce) revolutionized every industry, perhaps impacting the travel industry most of all. Tourism and hospitality service providers began making use of this technology to optimize marketing to consumers; manage reservations; facilitate transactions; partner and package itineraries; provide (multiple) customer feedback channels; collect, mine, clarify, and sell data; and automate functions. The marketing opportunities of this era appear limitless. Table 8.ane summarizes the evolution of marketing over the final century.

Tabular array viii.1: Evolution of marketing in the 20th century
[Skip Table]
Timeframe Marketing Era
 1920-1930 Product orientation
1930-1950 Sales orientation
1950-1960 Marketing department (marketing orientation, internal agency)
1960-1970 Marketing company (marketing orientation, external agency)
1970-Present Societal marketing
1995-Nowadays Online marketing
Data source: Morrison, 2010

Typically, the progression of marketing in tourism and hospitality has been 10 to 20 years backside other sectors. Some in the industry aspect this to the traditional career path in the tourism and hospitality industry where managers and executives worked their way up the ranks (east.g., from bellhop to general manager) rather than through a postsecondary business education. It was commonly believed that to be a leader in this industry one had to sympathise the operations inside-out, and then training and development of managers was based on technical and functional capabilities, rather than marketing savvy. And, equally nosotros'll larn side by side, marketing services and experiences is distinct and sometimes more challenging than marketing goods. For these reasons, near businesses in the industry have been developing marketing skills for only about 30 years (Morrison, 2010).

Differences Between Appurtenances and Services

The Parliament buildings covered in Christmas lights at dusk reflect in the Victoria harbour.
Figure 8.3 Selling a moment like this 1, captured over the holidays in Victoria's harbour, is different from selling a tube of toothpaste.

At that place are four key differences between goods and services. According to numerous scholars (Regan; Rathmell; Shostack; Zeithaml et al. in Wolak, Kalafatis, & Harris, 1998) services are:

  1. Intangible
  2. Heterogeneous
  3. Inseparable (simultaneously produced and consumed)
  4. Perishable

The residual of this section details what these concepts mean.


Tangible appurtenances are ones the customer tin see, feel, and/or taste alee of payment. Intangible services, on the other paw, cannot exist "touched" beforehand. An airplane flight is an example of an intangible service considering a client purchases it in advance and doesn't "experience" or "consume" the product until he or she is on the aeroplane.


While most appurtenances may be replicated identically, services are never exactly the same; they are heterogeneous. Variability in experiences may be caused by location, time, topography, flavour, the environs, amenities, events, and service providers. Because human being beings cistron so largely in the provision of services, the quality and level of service may differ between vendors or may fifty-fifty be inconsistent inside 1 provider. We volition talk over quality and level of service further in Affiliate 9.


A physical good may terminal for an extended catamenia of fourth dimension (in some cases for many years). In contrast, a service is produced and consumed at the same fourth dimension. A service exists but at the moment or during the period in which a person is engaged and immersed in the feel.

Figure eight.4 These empty seats represent lost acquirement for the airline.


Services and experiences cannot be stored; they are highly perishable. In dissimilarity, goods may be held in physical inventory in a lot, warehouse, or a store until purchased, so used and stored at a person's home or place of work. If a service is non sold when available, it disappears forever. Using the airline example, one time the airplane takes off, the opportunity to sell tickets on that flight is lost forever, and any empty seats represent acquirement lost.

Planning for Services Marketing

To ensure effective services marketing, tourism marketers need to exist strategic in their planning process. Using a tourism marketing system requires advisedly evaluating multiple alternatives, choosing the correct activities for specific markets, anticipating challenges, adapting to these challenges, and measuring success (Morrison, 2010). Tourism marketers can cull to follow a strategic direction process called the PRICE concept, where they:

  • P: plan (where are we now?)
  • R: research (where would we like to be?)
I: implement (how do nosotros get there?)
  • C: control (how do nosotros make sure we get there?)
  • Due east: evaluate (how practice we know if we got there?)

In this style, marketers tin be more assured they are strategically satisfying both the client's needs and the organization's objectives (Morrison, 2010). The relationship between company, employees, and customers in the services marketing context can be described as a services marketing triangle (Morrison, 2010), which is illustrated in Figure 8.5.

Marketing triangle. Long description available
Figure eight.v Services marketing triangle [Long Description] (adapted from Morrison, 2010)

In traditional marketing, a business organisation broadcasts messaging directly to the consumer. In contrast, in services marketing, employees play an integral component. The communications between the three groups can be summarized as follows (Morrison, 2010):

  1. External marketing: promotional efforts aimed at potential customers and guests (creating a promise betwixt the organization and the guest)
  2. Internal marketing: training, civilisation, and internal communications (enabling employees to evangelize on the promise)
  3. Interactive marketing: direct exchanges between employees and guests (delivering the promise)

The direct and indirect means that a company or destination reaches its potential customers or guests tin be grouped into 8 concepts known as the 8 Ps of services marketing.

viii Ps of Services Marketing

The eight Ps are best described as the specific components required to reach selected markets. In traditional marketing, there are iv Ps: price, product, place, and promotion. In services marketing, the list expands to the post-obit (Morrison, 2010):

  • Product: the range of product and service mix offered to customers
  • Place: how the product will exist made available to consumers in the market, selection of distribution channels, and partners
  • Promotion: specific combination of marketing techniques (advertising, personal sales, public relations, etc.)
  • Pricing: part of a comprehensive acquirement management and pricing plan
  • People: developing human resources plans and strategies to back up positive interactions between hosts and guests
  • Programming: customer-oriented activities (special events, festivals, or special activities) designed to increase customer spending or length of stay, or to add to the appeal of packages
  • Partnership: also known as cooperative marketing, increasing the reach and impact of marketing efforts
  • Physical testify: ways in which businesses can demonstrate their marketing claims and customers tin document their experience such equally stories, reviews, blog posts, or in-location signage and components

It'south important that these components all work together in a seamless set of messages and activities known as integrated marketing communications, or IMC, to ensure the guests receive a clear message and an experience that meets their expectations.

Integrated Marketing Communications

The entrance to the Pacific Centre call disguised as an igloo.
Figure 8.6 During the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, many marketing partners came together to deliver an integrated feel to guests, including shopping malls disguised as igloos.

Integrated marketing communications (IMC)involvesplanning and coordinating all the promotional mix elements (including online and social media components) to be as consistent and mutually supportive as possible. This approach is much superior to using each chemical element separately and independently.

Tour operators, attractions, hotels, and destination marketing organizations will oftentimes break down marketing into carve up departments, losing the opportunity to ensure each activity is aligned with a common goal. Sometimes a potential visitor or guest is bombarded with messaging nearly independent destinations within a region, or businesses within a city, rather than ane consistent ready of messages nearly the cadre attributes of that destination.

Information technology'due south of import to consider how consumers apply various and multiple channels of communication and accomplish out to them in a comprehensive and coherent way. As a concept, IMC is non new, but information technology is more challenging than e'er due to the numerous social media and unconventional communication channels now bachelor. Each channel must be well maintained and aligned effectually the same messages, and selected with the visitor in heed. Too oft businesses and destinations deploy multiple channels and end upwards neglecting some of these, rather than ensuring central platforms are well maintained (Eliason, 2014).

In club to better sympathize our guests, and the best ways to accomplish them, let's have a closer wait at the consumer equally the starting and focal point of any marketing programme.

Consumer Behaviour in Tourism and Hospitality

Customers use their senses to see, hear, aroma, and affect (and sometimes taste) to decipher messages from businesses, deciding on a production or service based on their perception of the facts rather than, at times, the actual facts. A number of factors have been shown to affect the choices the consumer makes, including personal factors, which reflect needs, wants, motivations, previous experience, and a person's lifestyle, andinterpersonal factors, such as civilization, social class, family unit, and stance leaders.

Perception Is Reality

The area of perception can be further cleaved downwardly to screens and filters, biases, selective retention, and closure (Morrison, 2010). Let's look at these concepts in more item.

A man holding a hand in front of one eye. The eye is on his hand.
Figure viii.7 All people view things through their ain perceptual filters.

The earth is filled with things that stimulate people. People are exposed to thousands of messages every day. Some stimuli come from the people around us; for case, a person on the omnibus might be wearing a branded cap, the jitney may take advert pasted all over information technology, and costless newspapers distributed at the bus station could exist filled with advertising. The human brain cannot absorb and remember all of these letters; people will screen out well-nigh of the stimuli they are exposed to. They may retrieve a slice or segment of a message they accept seen or heard.

Take a Closer Look: 100 BC Moments Vending Machine

As role of a 2022 integrated campaign, Destination BC (then operating as Tourism BC) created a vending motorcar that offered users the opportunity to experience moments that could be office of their visit to British Columbia. At 14 feet tall, this vending car dispensed gratis items like bikes, surfboards, and discounts on flights to encourage people to travel British Columbia. This experiential innovation was a fashion to provide a tangible element to intangible services. It was complemented past an online and social media campaign using the hashtag #100BCMoments and special web landing folio at 100BCMoments.com. A video of the San Fransisco installation earned hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube; cut through the clutter both in person and online. Watch information technology here: Giant Tourism BC Vending Machine comes to San Francisco: www.youtube.com/picket?5=VWbQtK4N8cM

Figure 8.8 A "vending machine" in San Francisco entices people to experience 100 BC Moments

Perceptual Biases

Everyone has perceptual biases; each person sees things from his or her ain unique view of the world. An advertizement message can be received and changed to something very different from the marketer's intended statement.

Selective Retention

In one case letters accept fabricated it through the screens, filters, and biases, they still may not be retained for long. Customers will practise selective retention, holding on but to the information that supports their behavior and attitudes.


A picture focused through eye glasses.
Effigy 8.9 People use multiple filters to process data.

The brain does not like incomplete images. At that place is a state of psychological tension present until the image is consummate (closure). Where information is unavailable to circular out the images, the mind adds the missing information. Over fourth dimension, through the employ of imagery and music (such as jingles), letters are ingrained in a customer's mind, and he or she automatically adds the company'due south name, whether it is mentioned or not.

Applying Psychology to Marketing

Marketers may determine a degree of predictability about customer perceptions. 

Customers are likely to:

  • Screen out data that they are already familiar with
  • Notice and retain information to satisfy a need they are enlightened of (want)
  • Purchase services that reflect the image they perceive themselves to project
  • Notice and retain things out of the norm
  • Attach credibility to personal data rather than commercially generated data

Customers are less likely to:

  • Use perceptual biases to misconstrue information received on an interpersonal ground
  • Absorb complicated data that requires endeavor to comprehend
  • Detect and retain information about a competitive service or product if they are satisfied with another brand

Tourism marketers are in the business organization of reminding and making customers aware of their needs. Customers take to be motivated to deed on satisfying their wants and needs, while marketers need to trigger the process by supplying objectives and potential motives.

Spotlight On: Tourism Victoria's Visitor Centre

Tourism Victoria's Visitor Heart is a fellow member of the Visitor Centre Network. Staff are available to provide travellers with tourist information, assistance, and communication. The Tourism Victoria Visitor Centre provides travellers with a broad range of services, including professional visitor counselling, helpful travel information and literature, and accommodation reservations (Tourism Victoria, 2015).

Consumer Decision-Making Process

Effigy 8.10 The Victoria Visitor Centre (at the base of the tower), located in downtown's bustling harbour, helps consumers through the decision-making process.

In 1968, Kollat, Blackwell and Engel released the get-go edition of a book chosen Consumer Behavior where they identified a distinct five-step pattern for consumer decision-making (1972). These steps are: need recognition, information search, pre-buy evaluation, buy, and mail service-buy evaluation.

Here are some critical components at each stage:

  • Need recognition: For this process to start there needs to be a stimulus; a need must exist triggered and identified.
  • Data search: The customer begins to consult unlike sources of information; personal (marketer dominated) and intrapersonal (non-marketer) factors will likely be used.
  • Pre-purchase evaluation: After researching the choices, the client starts to evaluate options using both objective criteria, such as price and location, and subjective criteria, such every bit the perceived status of the product or service.
  • Purchase: The customer intends to buy the product or service that best matches the criteria, although he or she tin still be influenced by a number of factors, such equally friends and family who disagree with the purchase, or a change in personal finances.
  • Post-purchase evaluation: Subsequently use, the customer evaluates the purchase confronting expectations; if these don't lucifer, the customer will be either dissatisfied (expectations not met) or impressed (expectations exceeded). For this reason, it'south best for hospitality and tourism providers to "nether promise" and "over evangelize."

Spotlight On: BC Ferries Vacations

BC Ferries Vacations offers over 70 unique travel packages to 40 destinations, connecting travellers to unbeatable scenery, accommodations, and activities. With earth-class hotels, activities, and adventures to choose from, travellers can feel BC'southward pristine wild fauna or urban coastal culture with each customized vacation package. BC Ferries Vacations travel experts help travellers create a personalized vacation consummate with ferry reservations to bring all-in-one convenience, quality, and value. And, in partnership with some of BC's best hotels, BC Ferries Vacations is able to provide customers with the best rates, client service, and overall experiences, whether travelling to Vancouver, Victoria, the north coast, or to remote and astonishing destinations in-betwixt (BC Ferries Services, 2015).

In order to attain consumers and stimulate need, tourism marketers can employ a number of traditional and online channels. These are detailed in the next department.

Reaching the Consumer

Marketers have more choices than ever when information technology comes to broadcasting their message to consumers. Potential travellers and guests will respond, in varying degrees, to traditional channels and emerging online communications tools. There are many choices in marketing and communication channels, each with strengths and weaknesses. Determining the right mix, frequency, and message depends heavily on establishing objectives, completing research, performing a situational assay, and creating a positioning arroyo (Morrison, 2010). Let'south take a closer look at communications channels that may form part of the marketing mix.

Traditional Channels

Mass Media

Mass media is best described every bit the utilise of channels that achieve very big markets. Examples include national newspapers and radio or television advertizing. The immediate advantage of using mass media is the ability to reach multiple target markets in pregnant numbers. Disadvantages include the high expense and difficulty in effective target marketing and measuring return.

An add for skiing on grouse mountain saying, "You deserve a little apres-work."
Figure 8.11 This is an out-of-home advert for Grouse Mount, in a downtown Vancouver rapid transit station, targeting people working in the surface area. Annotation the special web accost for the campaign: grousemountain.com/nighttime-ski .

Out-Of-Home (OOH)

Out-of-home (OOH) channels refer to four major categories: billboards, transit, alternative outdoor, and street furniture.  OOH advertising plays an important role in the tourism and hospitality industry every bit it provides an opportunity to inform travellers in unfamiliar territory. Transit advertising includes airports, rail, and taxi displays. Alternative outdoor refers to arenas, stadiums, and digital media. Street piece of furniture includes charabanc shelters, kiosks, and shopping malls.

Take a Closer Wait: Tourism Business Essentials: Travel Media Relations Guide
Travel journalists, including bloggers, play an of import function in ensuring a destination is well represented in the printing. The Travel Media Relations Guide outlines how to invite, host, and follow up with media in the best way possible. To read the guide, visitTravel Media Relations Guide [PDF]: www.destinationbc.ca/getattachment/Programs/Guides-Workshops-and-Webinars/Guides/Tourism-Business-Essentials-Guides/TBE-Guide-Travel-Media-July2013.pdf.aspx

Print Media

Print media includes newspapers, magazines, journals, and directories. In that location is an increased trend away from traditional purchased print advertising toward editorial features, as these are more trusted by consumers. A impress advertizement and an editorial feature created together is known as anadvertorial.

Spotlight On: The Tartan Grouping

Founded in the 1990s in Victoria, The Tartan Group is a public relations firm focusing on tourism and hospitality clients including Clayoquot Wilderness Resort, Harmony Hotel, Inn at Laurel Point, and Hotel Zed. The staff have extensive experience working in the manufacture, and the arrangement has relationships with multiple tourism associations and press groups. For more information, visit the Tartan Grouping website: world wide web.tartangroup.ca

Online Channels

Figure 8.12 This is a webpage detailing cantankerous-promotion and partnership between the Fairmont Empress Hotel and Helijet. Consumers are existence offered this transportation option side by side to the hotel booking info.

As discussed in Chapter 7, the internet is virtually twice equally of import as travel agents as an information source for travel (Deloitte, 2015). There are an estimated 3 billion people around the earth with internet access, and social media has become truly integrated into the travel and hospitality manufacture. TripAdvisor and similar sites have get the client's first indicate of connection with tourism and hospitality products and experiences. This tin be both an opportunity and a threat: an opportunity to open the channels of communication, but a threat if negative information almost the travel or hospitality arrangement is widely spread. As online distribution expands, empowered and savvy travellers are unbundling the booking component and self-booking directly (Deloitte, 2015).

Internet and mobile engineering science are referred to equally interactive media. For tourism and hospitality businesses, there are meaning advantages to creating an online presence: it's cost effective, information technology provides global reach, information technology allows a concern to be available 24/7, and it provides a reciprocal communication platform for customers.

Social Media and Reputation Direction

There are also challenges with online marketing, including existence noticed within the volume of information customers are exposed to, and loss of command in delivering a message. Despite these challenges, as more than consumers seek real-time information online, tourism marketers are responding with increasingly sophisticated online marketing strategies. This department draws from resource and expertise provided by WorldHost Training Services (2013).

Social Media

Social media is a broad term that refers to web-based and mobile applications used for social interaction and the exchange of content. Social networking is the human action of using social media. Unlike traditional media such as newspapers, magazines, and idiot box, social media is largely powered by user-generated content. This refers to content created and shared by consumers rather than by marketers, journalists, experts, and other paid professionals, although they too contribute to social networks.

Word of Mouth in the Age of Social Media

Social networking has transformed how many people interact with businesses and share experiences with others, in a advice channel known as give-and-take of oral fissure where customers share straight with each other. Consumers at present have a diverseness of channels on which to limited likes and dislikes, many of which accept big audiences. Some of this commentary is made in real time, on a smartphone, while the customer is still in the business (WorldHost, 2013).

Advertising and Trust

Social networks, and review sites in particular, are used more and more to seek data and advice on things to practise and products and services to purchase. Travellers and locals alike check out these sites for ideas on where to stay, eat, relax, shop, and explore. These channels are highly trusted. A survey of over 28,000 consumers in 56 countries found that consumers trust the communication of people they know (92%) and consumer opinions posted online (70%) more than any other advertizement source (Nielsen, 2012).

Online Reviews = Business organization Success

Enquiry shows a directly correlation between consumer reviews and purchase decisions. A 2022 survey by Phocuswright plant that 3 in four active travellers cite reviews and photos as influential in choosing activities (PR Newswire, 2011). A 2022 study conducted by Harvard Business concern School institute that, for independent restaurants, a one-star increase in Yelp ratings led to a 5% to nine% increase in acquirement (Luca, 2011). And, according to a written report past the Cornell Center for Hospitality Research, if a hotel increases its review score on Travelocity by i bespeak on a v-indicate calibration, it tin enhance its cost by 11.2% without affecting demand (Anderson, 2012).

Understanding Customer Needs

As nosotros have discussed, service plays an important role in shaping customer impressions, where the ultimate goal of a tourism or hospitality business is to exceed expectations. Every customer has unlike wants and needs, but nigh all customers expect the following basic needs to be taken care of:

  • Quality
  • Value
  • Convenience
  • Good service

To fully satisfy customers, businesses must deliver in all four areas. If they encounter the basic needs listed higher up, they'll create apassive client — one who is satisfied, but not probable to write a review or mention a business to others.

A woman makes a disgusted face and points to a messy wreath.
Figure 8.13 This unhappy customer is likely to circulate news of her bad feel beyond multiple platforms.

On the other hand, failure to deliver on the promise can result in a disappointed customer undoing all the efforts of the marketing program. For this reason, the unabridged process must be well coordinated and well executed.

Bringing it All Together

The Role of Destination BC

Destination BC is responsible for executing cardinal components of the provincial government's tourism strategy (British Columbia Ministry building of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation, 2011). As we learned in the last chapter, this provincial destination marketing organization has been mandated to fulfill several key marketing and leadership responsibilities disquisitional to the long-term sustainable growth of the provincial tourism industry. This includes marketing British Columbia domestically, nationally, and internationally as a tourist destination (Destination BC, north.d.). Its first three-year corporate and marketing strategy was released in Nov 2014 articulating its new vision, mission, and goals.

Have a Closer Look: Online Reputation Management

This guide from Destination BC's Tourism Concern Essentials series helps businesses sympathize how to manage their online reputation and includes tips for responding to reviews and other best practice. To get a re-create of the guide, visit the Online Reputation Management Guide [PDF]: www.destinationbc.ca/getattachment/Programs/Guides-Workshops-and-Webinars/Guides/Tourism-Concern-Essentials-Guides/TBE-Guide-Online-Reputation-Direction-2nd-Edition-Sep-2014-(2).pdf.aspx

Marketplace Segmentation

Tourism marketers, including the team at Destination BC, choose target markets for their efforts through market segmentation techniques, where potential visitors are separated by:

  • Demographics
  • Countries of origin
  • Trip purposes
  • Trip planning and arrangements
  • Psychographics and lifestyles
  • Special interests
  • Technology uses

The Canadian Tourism Commission'south laurels-winning Explorer Quotient programme provides tourism marketers with detailed psychographic and travel motivations information (Canadian Tourism Commission, 2008; 2012). It allows destinations and experiences to market themselves to target audiences based on psychographic profiles (their psychological tendencies) rather than geographic segments.

Accept a Closer Look: EQ (Explorer Quotient)

Destination Canada'due south EQ tool allows businesses to segment their customers in a new and innovative way. EQ offers a range of online resources from an EQ Quiz (so you tin can identify what type of traveller you are) to business toolkits and more. Explore this new tourism marketing tool by visiting the Explorer Quotient tool: http://en.destinationcanada.com/resources-industry/explorer-quotient

BC's Tourism and Hospitality Fundamental Markets

BC'south key target tourism markets can be broken down into 3 principal categories: nearby markets, top priority markets, and emerging markets (BC Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation, 2011).

Nearby markets are BC, Alberta, and Washington State, which are characterized past high book and strong repeat visitation. Marketing activities to these areas are led past the regions, communities, and/or sectors such as ski. Elevation priority markets of Ontario, California, Frg, Japan, United Kingdom, South korea, Australia are characterized by high revenue and loftier spending per visitor. Marketing efforts hither are led by Destination BC. Emerging markets, which include Communist china, India, and Mexico, are monitored and explored by Destination BC.

Operation Measurement and Evaluation

In lodge to measure its success in the realm of destination marketing, Destination BC has introduced a tool called theinternet promoter score (NPS), a metric designed to monitor customer appointment. The NPS indicates the likelihood of travellers recommending a destination to friends, family unit, or colleagues. NPS is based on responses to the question, How likely are you to recommend [British Columbia] as a travel destination to a friend, family unit member, or colleague? Responses are scored from 0 = "non at all likely" to 10 = "extremely probable." Respondents are divided into three categories:

  • Detractors (scores of 0 to 6): Unhappy visitors, unlikely to tell others to visit and might even harm the reputation of a destination through negative word of mouth
  • Passives (scores of 7 or eight): Marginally satisfied visitors not excited enough to tell others about their travel experience
  • Promoters (scores of nine or 10): Loyal enthusiasts likely to render and rave about their travel experience

NPS is calculated past subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters: NPS = % of detractors — % of supporters. The intention to recommend a travel destination, reported by the NPS, is a proxy measure out of overall satisfaction with the travel experience. Satisfaction with the travel experience and the intention to recommend profoundly increase the likelihood of a return visit to British Columbia. And word-of-oral fissure advocacy, either contiguous or through social media, is critical for attracting first-fourth dimension visitors to British Columbia.

Destination BC uses NPS as a operation measurement tool (among others) to aid determine the overall effectiveness of online and integrated marketing communications strategies (Destination BC, 2013). Furthermore, Destination BC has adult the Remarkable Experiences program to "enable tourism operators to become experts in areas such every bit service design and digital marketing" (Destination BC, 2014).

Spotlight On: Aboriginal Travel Services

Aboriginal Travel Services (ATS) is BC's first Aboriginal-owned travel agency, focusing on business and leisure needs of companies, Start Nations bands, and individual tourists. Located on Coast Salish territories in downtown Vancouver, ATS reinvests profits into Aboriginal communities by way of youth scholarships in tourism and hospitality. The agency was adult as a social enterprise, with the dual purpose of selling travel services that provide cultural and economic opportunities to the communities it serves and committing to investing in the Aboriginal communities and tourism initiatives (Ancient Travel Services, 2015). For more data, visit the Ancient Travel Services website: world wide web.aboriginaltravelservices.com

Effective planning, research, customer agreement, integrated marketing communications, and using online customer service strategies to support effective marketing are fundamental requirements for successful services marketing. Nevertheless, it is critical that marketers empathize the key trends and bug that volition help to place tomorrow'southward marketing strategies (Government of Canada, 2013).

Trends and Bug

The twitter logo carved out in the sand.
Figure 8.14 Social media trends are just one of the influences that marketers need to monitor.

Tourism marketers in BC demand to monitor trends in the following areas that may impact the success of their marketing efforts:

  • Demographic shifts (aging population, the rise of millennials), and socioeconomics (cultural changes, economical refuse/growth)
  • Political, economic, and geographic changes (emerging or failing economies)
  • Trip purpose (growth of multipurpose trips)
  • Psychographic changes (special interests, healthy lifestyles, sustainability)
  • Behavioural adaptations (free independent travel, decreasing brand loyalty)
  • Production-related trends (emerging niches)
  • Distribution channels (online travel agencies, virtual travel)

Remaining abreast of information in these areas is disquisitional to the success of any services marketing programme, which should be continually monitored and adapted every bit the landscape changes.


Constructive services marketing in the tourism and hospitality sector requires marketers to gain a solid understanding of the differences between the marketing of appurtenances and services. Successful organizations use marketplace research to learn the preferences and behaviours of key customer segments. Through a strategic planning process, organizations and destinations develop a marketing orientation designed to identify customer needs and trigger their wants, while striving to meet organizational objectives. Activities are designed to support integrated marketing communications beyond multiple platforms with reciprocal communications — that is, not but broadcasting information, but having conversations with customers. Savvy marketers will leverage these conversations to keep up with evolving client interests while seeking an understanding of emerging trends in order to anticipate needs and wants. Engaged marketers as well know that social media and integrated marketing communications must be complemented with remarkable customer service, which ultimately supports successful marketing strategy.

Chapter ix will delve further into the components of delivering exceptional client service as a key component of manufacture success.

  • eight Ps of services marketing: refers to product, place, promotion, pricing, people, programming, partnership, and physical evidence
  • Advertorial: print content (sometimes now appearing online) that is a combination of an editorial feature and paid advertising
  • Customer needs: gaps between what customers accept and what they would similar to have
  • Customer wants: needs of which customers are aware
  • E-commerce: electronic commerce; performing concern transactions online while collecting rich data about consumers
  • Emerging markets: markets for BC that are monitored and explored by Destination BC — Mainland china, Bharat, and United mexican states
  • Heterogeneous:variable, a generic difference shared by all services
  • Intangible: untouchable, a characteristic shared past all services
  • Integrated marketing communications (IMC): planning and analogous all the promotional mix elements and internet marketing so they are as consistent and as mutually supportive as possible
  • Interactive media: online and mobile platforms
  • Interpersonal factors: the influence of cultures, social classes, family, and opinion leaders on consumers
  • Marketing: a continuous, sequential process through which management plans, researches, implements, controls, and evaluates activities designed to satisfy the customers' needs and wants, and its ain organization's objectives
  • Marketing orientation: the agreement that a company needs to engage with its markets in order to refine its products and services, and promotional efforts
  • Marketplace segmentation: specific groups of people with a similar profile, allowing marketers to target their messaging
  • Mass media: the employ of channels that accomplish very big markets
  • Nearby markets: markets for BC, identified by Destination BC every bit BC, Alberta, and Washington State, characterized past loftier book and strong repeat visitation
  • Cyberspace promoter score (NPS):a metric designed to monitor customer date, reflecting the likelihood that travellers will recommend a destination to friends, family, or colleagues
  • Out-of-dwelling house (OOH):channels in four major categories: billboards, transit, alternative outdoor, and street piece of furniture
  • Passive client: a guest who is satisfied (won't mutter, but won't celebrate the business either)
  • Perishable: something that is just skilful for a short period of fourth dimension, a feature shared by all services
  • Personal factors: the needs, wants, motivations, previous experiences, and objectives of consumers that they bring into the decision-making process
  • Cost concept: an acronym that helps marketers remember the need to plan, research, implement, command, and evaluate the components of their marketing plan
  • Impress media: newspapers, magazines, journals, and directories
  • Services marketing: marketing that specifically applies to services such as those provided by the tourism and hospitality industries; differs from the marketing of goods
  • Services marketing triangle: a model for understanding the human relationship between the company, its employees, and the customer; differs from traditional marketing where the concern speaks directly to the consumer
  • Social media:refers to web-based and mobile applications used for social interaction and the commutation of content
  • Societal marketing: marketing that recognizes a company's place in social club and its responsibility to citizens (or at to the lowest degree the appearance thereof)
  • Tangible: goods the client tin can see, feel, and/or taste ahead of payment
  • Summit priority markets: markets for BC identified as a pinnacle priority for Destination BC — Ontario, California, Frg, Nippon, United Kingdom, South Korea, Australia — which are characterized by loftier acquirement and high spend per visitor
  • Tourism marketing organisation: an approach that guides the planning, execution, and evaluation of tourism marketing efforts (Toll concept is an approach to this)
  • Word of oral cavity: information well-nigh a service feel passed along orally or through other social information sources from by customers to potential customers
  1. Fill in the blanks. During a successful marketing planning process, management will:

    P: __________________________________
    R: __________________________________
    I: __________________________________
    C: __________________________________
    East: __________________________________

  2. Should services be marketed exactly the same as manufactured products and packaged goods? Why or why not?
  3. Name at to the lowest degree three reasons for tourism marketers to practice marketing research.
  4. Why is partitioning so important to effective marketing?
  5. What does integrated marketing communications achieve?
  6. What stages exercise customers usually get through when they make decisions about buying travel services?
  7. Name the 3 types of market place priorities for British Columbia'south tourism experiences (according to Destination BC). What geographic segments are establish in each?
  8. What is the net promoter score (NPS) for a destination with 20% detractors and lxxx% supporters?
  9. Why is delivering great experiences an important part of services marketing? Give five reasons.
  10. Accept the Explorer Quotient (EQ) test at https://quiz.canada.travel/caen. Review the EQ profile document to learn more about your traveller blazon.
    1. What characteristics do you agree with, which ones do y'all non? Why?
    2. Select ane of the experiences (preferably in BC) matched to your profile and determine how it fits your type.
    3. How does the website of that company market to your traveller type? What visuals or key words exercise they employ to become your attending?

Located in Tofino, the Wickaninnish Inn (or "the Wick," every bit it's affectionately known) is a world-recognized high-finish property famous for offering four seasons of luxury experiences on BC's "wild coast." But how does the Wick stay summit-of-listen with tourism consumers? A quick look at their marketing mix offers some answers:

  • Production: The inn has long been a leader in offering experiences that go above and beyond a room in a luxury hotel, starting with their storm-watching packages in the tardily fall, a fourth dimension that was once their off-season.
  • Identify: Reservations can be made online on the inn's website, via a toll-free number, through OTA sites including TripAdvisor (where reviews are constantly monitored in order to appoint with customers), and other reservation services including the HelloBC program. The staff constantly engages with, and monitors their customers, tracking trends in traveller purchasing behaviour to ensure information technology is forepart and centre with the inn's target markets.
  • Promotion: The inn has a well-maintained, visually rich website and social media presence on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, Google+, and Flickr (a presence that shifts constantly depending on where consumers can be establish online). Its site features a media page with blogs, printing releases, and high-resolution photos and videos to ensure journalists tin can hands post a story at whatsoever fourth dimension.
  • Pricing: The inn has a comprehensive revenue management and pricing plan that includes packaging and promotions for all seasons. The pricing reflects offering value to guests, while confidently staying at the higher finish of the scale.
  • People: Not merely does the inn attract and railroad train staff who deliver on its hope of infrequent experiences, the Wick also has a multi-person team responsible for sales, marketing, and media (blogging, press releases, photography, hosting familiarization tours).
  • Programming: Programs include packaging under themes such as elopement, natural, seasonal, romantic, spa, and culinary. Many packages include the interest of hotel personnel such as an elopement coordinator or concierge to assistance guests plan specific value-added and memorable components of their feel, such as a terminal-minute nuptials (Wickaninnish Inn, 2015).
  • Partnership: The Wick partners with other experience providers and events such equally the Tofino Saltwater Classic — a angling tournament hosted past Brendan Morrison of the Vancouver Canucks. By supporting the issue as a platinum sponsor (Tofino Saltwater Archetype, 2014), the representatives from the inn run across new potential guests and solidifies its identify in the community.
  • Physical show: In improver to familiarization tours (come across Chapter seven for definition), the media team ensures the inn is considered for a number of loftier-contour awards, and celebrates wins by dissemination these as they occur (e.g., Travel and Leisure Awards Earth's Best Winner 2014). Prize logos are placed on the inn's dwelling page online, in print ads, and in concrete locations on the property. The inn also has a regular consumer newsletter that celebrates achievements and shares promotions with past and future guests.

Thinking about this example, respond the post-obit questions:

  1. Imagine the inn received a review on TripAdvisor that showed a client was not satisfied. How might information technology deal with this?
  2. Visit the visitor's website at www.wickinn.com. Who are the target customers? How is this conveyed on the site?
  3. What are the prices for packages and accommodations? What does the price bespeak to y'all about the experience yous might have at this hotel?
  4. Do an online search for "Wick Inn" using your favourite search engine. What are the first v links that come up? How exercise these present the property? What hand does the inn'south staff take in these results?
  5. Look at the community of Tofino as it is presented online and name five potential partners for the Wick.


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Figure eight.1Vintage Advertizement #1,203: This Cheap Hotel Does Not Compute by Jamie is used nether a CC BY 2.0 license.

Figure eight.two  1970s Advertising – Affiche – Peter Max Don't Smoke Cigarettes (USA) by Daniel Anyes Approach is used under a CC BY-NC 2.0 license.

Figure eight.3  British Columbia Parliament Christmas Lights past James Wheeler is used under a CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 license.

Figure viii.four  Empty Flight by King Roof is used under a CC BY two.0 license.

Figure 8.5  Services Marketing Triangle past LinkBC is used under a CC By-NC-SA two.0 license.

Effigy 8.half-dozen  Pacific Centre igloo by Janis Behan is used under a CC Past-NC-SA 2.0 license.

Figure eight.7  Army Photography Competition – 2007 – FMWRC – Craft – Eye of the Holder by United states of america Ground forces is used under a CC Past 2.0 license.

Figure 8.8 BC Tourism Vending Machine past davitydave is used under a CC By 2.0 license.

Figure 8.9 Precious Treasure by Dave Sutherland is used nether a CC BY-NC-SA ii.0 license.

Figure 8.10  Victoria'southward Inner Harbour at Nighttime 2022 by Gord McKenna is used under a CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 license.

Figure 8.11  Out of Home Advertising for Bickering Mountain by LinkBC is used under a CC By 2.0 license.

Figure eight.12  Fairmont Empress and Helijet Partnership by LinkBC is used nether a CC Past 2.0 license.

Figure eight.xiii  Wreath makin' – an unhappy customer (pas moi) past Katy is used under a CC By-NC-ND 2.0 license.

Effigy 8.xiv  Twitter escultura de arena by Rosaura Ochoa is used under a CC Past 2.0 license.

Long Descriptions

Figure 8.1 long description: A man holds upwards a figurer looking dislocated. He says, "Are you kidding me? A large double bed, boob tube, air conditioning, and merely $12.95 a nighttime? Information technology doesn't compute." [Return to Figure 8.1]

Effigy 8.5 long description: Internal marketing is used between the company and its employees. External marketing is used between the company and its customers. Interactive marketing is used betwixt the employees and the customers. [Return to Effigy 8.5]


Source: https://opentextbc.ca/introtourism/chapter/chapter-8-services-marketing/

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